Battle-optimazed brigandines "Vindicator" specially designed for full-contact historical medieval battles.

Battle optimized brigandine, Armour specially designed for full-contact historical medieval battles.

The main thing in life is the Horde! Koumiss is not waiting for you at home, arrows will not wipe away tears, and camel will not hug tight you at night.

I don't know why the snow is white. But I think white snow is majestic.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.

There is no friend better than poleaxe. Unless it's in the hands of the enemy behind your back.

Multisized brigandine based on historical sources of XV century. Will fit any person with chest circumference 110-125 cm (with gambeson).
Plates made of titanium grade 6 (VT20) thickness 0.8-1.2 mm, total weight 6.5 kg.

Mongols: there is no nation in the world who would be so skilled in art of war, who would also be able to defeat enemies, should it be with sticking power or war stratagem, especially in battles on open terrain.

New set of arms and legs of titanium OT4 with new 15c brigandine ("Karl VI").

Extremely lightweight set of armor for full contact battles! Made of titanium grade 6 (OT4 and VT20), total weight of set is 13 kg.

A mysterious stranger came from wild iced lands. Rumor has it, that his gear is magic and made of very strange metal...

Based on an artifact of Italian origin, dated 1540-1560 and kept in the Metropolitan Museum. Just 2-3 thousands of rivets and titanium plates, and ocean patience and labor.

Our new cozy workshop! We have our own bar!!! Now we don't need to go home for rest

Eastern armor, based on of Iranian historical sources of the 14th-15th century. In particular, the "flower" pattern of rivets is borrowed from one manuscript of the libraries of the Palace Museum (Tehran), and dates from 1429-1430.

This really big job is done! Bright beautiful brigandine of small-plates, based on pictorial historical sources and an artifact of the 15th century, located in the castle of Basel (Switzerland).

Slavic scaly armor of the boyar Ontsifor Lukinich. This armour based on historical source that dated the mid of 14th century.